Land Pooling Policy

The new land strategy is in light of the idea of Land Pooling wherein the area bundles possessed by people or gathering of proprietors are lawfully combined by exchange of possession rights to the assigned Land Pooling Agency, which later exchange the responsibility for piece of area back to the area proprietors for undertaking of improvement for such ranges. The approach is appropriate in the proposed urbanisable zones of the Urban Extensions for which Zonal Plans have been sanction. This strategy plans to pre­vent, offering of area without the proprietor's con­sent. This approach guarantees fun­da­mental changes in the method for acquis­i­tion and devel­op­ment of area, in Delhi.
The primary Master Plan of Delhi was for­mu­lated in the year 1961. The approach then of DDA's was to procure substantial pieces of area, dir­ectly from the area own­ers, at a cost determ­ined by DDA. DDA would then under­take the mas­ter plan­ning and afterward offer/add to the area, piece by piece. At the point when the area valu­ations were nom­inal, this pro­cess was satisfactory.
In the 1960′s, the private sec­tor wasn't sufficiently solid in the eco­nomy to bear the respons­ib­il­ity of urb­an­iz­a­tion & hous­ing. Henceforth, the gov­ern­ment tackled the respons­ib­il­ity, and the area acquis­i­tion turned into the standard. From the 1980′s, the private sec­tor through their incre­mental abil­ity right­fully star­ted seek­ing a lar­ger part. In the past couple dec­ades, the interest surge from the con­sumers actu­ally made the sup­ply from the gov­ern­ment stable inad­equate, and henceforth, the major­ity of sup­ply was cre­ated by the private segment.
The area valu­ations climbed phe­nom­en­ally under this expanded interest, and additionally the higher spend & invest­ment appet­ite. The gov­ern­ment con­tin­ued to lay on the pro­vi­sions of the Land acquis­i­tion Bill 1894, which was seem­ingly uncalled for to the area own­ers, for com­pens­a­tion and in addition rehab­il­it­a­tion. With the numerous cases which happened in West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Haryana, NOIDA and so forth, it turned out to be increas­ingly clear to the gov­ern­ment that force­ful acquis­i­tion can­not be a ten­able & lawful technique. Likewise, the private sec­tor looked for an all the more free mar­ket meth­od­o­logy, as the gov­ern­ment acquis­i­tion could poten­tially be a delay­ing variable for ventures. Thus, this Land pool­ing approach. Under this strategy, land own­ers can sur­render their property hold­ing into the cent­ral pool (for the bene­fit of the read­ers, the tech­nical terms kept away from here), and be a stake­holder to the devel­op­ment pro­posed on their territory. When the area is pooled, the landowner would get back 40 – 60% of the aggregate area sur­rendered, as develop­able area, "For once, the dis­putes on under­valu­ation of area for acquis­i­tion would be evacuated, and the pro­cess would appear to be reasonable to each area proprietor, irre­spect­ive of the span of their property hold­ing. The 40 – 60% area that DDA would hold with them would be util­ized for cre­ation of infra­struc­ture and in addition mon­et­ize it against spe­cific pur­poses, by DDA.

There are two essential sorts of Land Pooling which have been declared so far –

  • 20 hec­tares or more where 60% of area would be come back to the area proprietor.
  • 02 and 20 hec­tares, where around 48% of area pooled would be come back to the area proprietor.
  • As per a pro­posal, DDA would set up a sep­ar­ate insti­tu­tional frame­work with offi­cials from DDA's fin­ance; records; land man­age­ment; plan­ning; lawful and engin­eer­ing depart­ments. Every one of the arrangements would be pre­pared by GIS tech­no­logy. On the off chance that neces­sary amend­ments would be made in Delhi Municipal Corporation Act – 1957; Delhi Land Reforms Act – 1954; Land Acquisition Act — 1894 and Delhi Development Act — 1957.